Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thinking inside of the box.

At this point in our lives we tend to analyze everything. We think there is something to learn in every situation... and there usually is. But not always. We don't need to pick at every situation. We need to be careful about how into things we think. Sure, God is always showing us things and constantly revealing Himself in everything we do but He's not always trying to show us signs. I am guilty of wondering why things happen and what I am supposed to learn from them. Or I tend think that I am feeling one way because God wants me to. We are human, we have minds of humans. Remember to not always think outside of the box. Let yourself enjoy what is happening in your life right now instead of trying to figure out what it means. Sometimes all God wants us to know is that He is working in our lives. Know that even when you are confused, lost, or even perfectly content, God is doing work in your life. Sometimes the best thing to do is do nothing but seek Him wholeheartedly... and let Him finish His work.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Here it goes.

I really don't know much about having a blog. I know that you share your opinions, I have plenty of those. I know you ramble on about things you care about, and you keep some what of a diary of what is happening in your life. I'm not doing this because I want the world to know me, or because I think what I have to say is that important. What I do know and want the world to know is that there's absolutely nothing special about me other than the fact that Jesus Christ lives inside of me, around me, and has captivated my heart....which will keep me satisfied for the rest of my life. I plan on blogging about what God is doing in me and through me daily. We are all constantly being used in Gods masterpiece of a plan and should share with each other how great our role is in his award winning play. Here it goes, I'm going to open up my heart to the ciber world. Wish me luck.