Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dancing for Jesus.

Last night was the Raider Sisters For Christ winter formal. I cannot express how much I enjoy those kind of things. Getting dressed up, taking lots of pictures, and dancing with your best friends? I would do this every night if I could. The things I listed are great, but my favorite part of the whole event is the celebration of being apart of God's people. We are all there with atleast one thing in common. Our love for Jesus Christ. There is a feeling you get when you walk in the doors of a christian event. It is a comforting feeling knowing that it is going to be a good night. There's no alcohol, no one throwing up, or passing out. Yes, those are harsh views of what alcohol does at parties but it's true. I've been there. I know what it is like being scared of how the night will end, not knowing where you are going to pass out or what will happen that you will later regret. It is a horrible feeling that becomes a part of your every day thought process. Being apart of this christian community, I feel like I can breathe easier. There is a weight lifted off my shoulders. I'm in love with the people I'm surrounded by. I'm in love with the things we do and the fun we have. These are all perks of being in love with a Savior. I found where I belong, it's amongst those who live a different life than the average college student. It's surrounded by fellow believers who will be there for you if you call. I couldn't be more happy with where God has placed me.

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